Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Old Settlers Reunion, 1877

The sixth reunion was held February 14, 1877, at Craig's Hall, Royalton. After prayer by Elder Fastman, A. V. Balch was chosen Secretary pro tern, in the absence of Secretary Selleck.

The report of Historian Wakefield was read, and criticized by the Old Settlers.


President, Hon. L. Bostedo
Vice President, Hon. Gorge E. More
Secretary, Hon. A. Y. Balch
Treasurer, Evan Townsend
Historian, J. Wakefield
Executive Committee, William Masters, M. A. Stinchfield, W. A. Sterling, G. W. Taggart, A. W. Johnson

There was no meeting in 1878.

Called Meeting

A called meeting was held at White Lake, August 1, 1879.

In the absence of the President and Vice President, the meeting was called to order by William Masters, Chairman of the Executive Committee, who was then chosen President pro tern. In taking the chair, Mr. Masters feelingly alluded to the death of our late President, Hon. Louis Bostedo, who had so long presided over our deliberations, and who had for many years taken so much interest in the society. He remarked that his death had been the reason why no meeting of the society had been held in 1878.

Officers elected

President, Hon. E. L. Browne
Vice President, Hon. L. L. Post
Secretary, Hon. A. V. Balch
Treasurer, M. A. Stinchfield
Historian, J. Wakefield
Executive Committee, W. A. Springer, William Masters, F. D. Dewey, H. Gibson, Ira Millerd

New Members

Isabel Mathews,
Jane A. Van Epps,
P. M. Davis and wife

By looking over other records, we find the names of 314 who had become members of our society since its organization.

The Historian can find nothing that is worthy of particular mention in any subsequent meeting of the society. Some of those whose names are here recorded are still with us, and may be spared for a few more gatherings; but the eighteen years that have passed since the organization of our society, have done a fearful work in thinning our ranks. We cannot record the names of all the missing ones, and would not have the heart to do so if we could. They have shaken hands with us for the last time here, and passed over that deep, dark river, which we must all cross soon. It may be that when we all get over there we shall be permitted to remember some of our pleasant meetings here, and take delight in those pleasing recollections.

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