Wisconsin Productions
The productions of Wisconsin may be
divided into four classes, the Forest, Animal, Vegetable and
Mineral. The comparative amount belonging to each will be shown
by the statement given below, which is mainly compiled from the
United States census of 1850:
Bales furs and peltry 800
Feet sawed lumber, pine 150,000,000
Thousand shingles 30,000
Cubic feet timber 20,000,000
Number staves 10,000,000
Cords tan bark 2,000
Tons ashes, pot and pearl 25
Pounds maple sugar 610,976
Gallons molasses 9,874
Pounds wax and honey 131,000
Bushels cranberries 5,000
Value of live stock, June, 1850
Number of horses 30,335
Number of milch cows and cattle 183,434
Number of sheep 124,892
Number of swine 159.276
Pounds of cheese 400,283
Pounds of butter 3,633,750
Pounds of wool 253,963
Pounds of fish 10,000
Dozens of eggs 100,000
Value of animals slaughtered $920,178
Bushels wheat 4,286,131/
Bushels rye 81,253
Bushels corn 1,98",979
Bushels barley 209,602
Bushels oats 3,414,672
Bushels peas and beans 20,657
Bushels potatoes, Irish 1,402,077
Bushels potatoes sweet 879
Pounds flax 100,000
Bushels flaxseed 6,000
Pounds hops 15,930
Pounds tobacco 4,000
Bushels buckwheat 79,876
Bushels grass seed 3,000
Tons hay 275,662
Value of orchard products $8,000
Value of garden products, market $32,142
Pounds lead 40,000.000
Pounds copper
Tons of iron 5,000
The amount of lead shipped from Galena,
during the last year was 40,000,000 pounds, nine-tenths of which
was raised in Wisconsin. Considerable more than the remaining
one-tenth of the amount above stated has been shipped from ports
in this State, from which it will be seen that this estimate is
To the practical miner, as capitalist or
operative, the lead region of the Upper Mississippi offers the
most substantial inducements to settlement. The exceeding
abundance and richness of the mineral; the comparative ease with
which it may be mined; and the high price it commands the moment
it is brought to the surface, open to the industrious and
prudent operator a highway to wealth.
New leads of the richest promise have
been recently discovered in the mineral district, and an
increasing emigration to that section of the State, promises to
replace the California draft, and to meet the growing demand for
the mineral.
The steady advance in the price of lead,
which has prevailed for five years past, is indicative of a
gradual but decided extension of its uses in the arts. There is
no ground for apprehension, that the supply will outrun the
demand, or be able to work a reduction of the wages of labor and
profits of capital in this industrial occupation, for some years
to come.
The copper mines of Lake Superior are of
established celebrity throughout the world, and open an inviting
field for enterprise. The mining interest in that region is fast
losing its character of adventure, and is attracting the
attention of the prudent capitalist and the practical miner, as
a remunerative branch of business.
The iron mines of Wisconsin have not yet
been opened to any extent, but are worthy the attention of the
immigrant. There are rich localities of ore near the head waters
of the Rock and on the Upper Mississippi and its branches.
The following statement exhibits the
shipment of lead from Galena from the year 1841 to 1852
inclusive, and the value of the same at four dollars per hundred
Tears. Number of Pounds. Valve.
1841 29,749,909 $1,189,996
1842 29,424,329 1,176,973
1843 36,878 797 1,475,151
1844 41,036,293 1,641,451
1845 51,144,822 2,045,792
1846 48,007,938 1,920,317
1847 50,999,303 2,039,972
1848 49,783,737 1,991,349
1849 45,985,839 1,839,433
1850 ...41,485,900 1,659,436
1851 34,500,384 1,380,015
1852 40,000,000 1,600,000
Total valuation of exports at the ports
of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, Port Washington, Sheboygan,
Manitowoc and Green Bay, for 1851 2,079,060
Total valuation of lead exported in 1851
Total export* $3,459,075
There are also large quantities of lead
shipped at different points along the Wisconsin and Mississippi
Rivers, the precise amount of which no data has been furnished
upon which an intelligent estimate can be made.
In reviewing the foregoing statement, it
should be recollected that Wisconsin is rapidly increasing, not
only in population and wealth, but in the amount and quality of
its resources, manufactures and products.
Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer, By
John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853
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